JMJK...A frequent action is required by the side of youths to combat being done by YPSS( a youth wing of DJJS)..
Neither war is not an option at all as this would induce the revenge factor among the major innocent people and would worsen the situation, nor the dialogue is, as so far it is not effective and is time consuming and till the time any decision would be taken, many more such incidents would take place. So, Present scenario guides at devastating the terror camps when these are operating ( as they are shut down for some time ) through air strikes because the people whose subconscious mind have been filled for spreading terror, can't be changed so easily and they have to be killed and then doing something on mass level for peace with a proven technique so that no more people become terrorists.But unfortunately, even if something will be done in India and by India against terrorism, it will be based on the calculations that how will they get the maximum millage and benefit for the upcoming elections. Now it has become a compulsion for the govt. to do something against terrorism, otherwise they might face the anger of the voters and also incumbency factor would count to reverse the situation in forthcoming elections. Now, one thing is final something will happen against terrorism for sure, it is just a matter of time when will it be, which is based on the voting calculations ( unfortunately )!!!
When was the last time you did something horribly wrong and a voice from within had condemned your actions and you repent on it the whole day? What was that voice? Yes, It was it your conscience. That is the critical element, which is missing in these terrorists. You cannot kill someone if you have a conscience or it would curse you to death. Their conscience is killed the moment they are chosen for this narcissistic cause. So, the solution is not in educating general mass about terrorism rather it is in educating these terrorists. Tell them that they are nothing but a mere object being used by a group of some egocentric people to rage a war against humanity. Their death is not contributing to anything except adding to their own felonies. Give them back their conscience. The answer to some of the most complex problems is rather simple. It might sound impractical, but believe me or not that’s the only way to overcome this beast.
Simple! Only one way out! Just organize a united military force of all countries and groups willing to combat terrorism. Drive it to Terrorist camps which are known to us. Let these equipped army men enclose the camp and Just bombard them- Incinerate these psychopaths, psychologically-cancerous-beings, and cannot-be-changed-spirits in the disastrous inferno! Turn their camp into a ghastly graveyard! Yeah! It’s a curious solution- somewhat inhuman, especially when entire India is singing to the tunes of Gandhigiri. But, this inhumanity is practical and pragmatic. And it has always been the celebratory corridor, passing through which the New Era dawned. For eg. Take Satya Yuga- When Sri Ram saw the heap of bones of innocent sages in dand karnya, who met this ill-fate at the hands of demoniac-forces (Rakshas), what he resolved for? This Right-Action-Man (RAM) immediately vowed to reward Death to these demons alias terrorists of that period. No other approach- Just Death! Eliminate poisonous weeds, for they are poisoning not only present soil, but also making it barren for the generations to come. Another revolutionary man of the Dwapar Era- Sri Krishna too, at the battle field of Kurukshetra, openly declared before the big strike- ‘Even at this eleventh hour, those who wish to come under the camp of Dharma- Righteousness, I offer welcome to them. Rest, be prepared for the last breath.’ After declaration, he instructed his fellowmen to bombard the unrighteous camp. And remember, this camp was not only of unrighteous Kauravas of Hastinapur, but also included the kingdoms (countries) supporting them.History has repeated itself today. Let's retaliate and answer it in the same language and spirit again. We cannot avoid, but play ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly. Our mercy and non-violent approach is manuring them to breed fast.
First, goad the caught terrorists to reveal all terrorist-breeding grounds/camps unknown to us. If they don't blurt out, torture them to speak. Once they divulge the secret-places, then raid these places. Secondly, those terrorists who are caught and cracked open all the secret shells, for them lets extend our arms to embrace. But again, don't let them be free, for the spark is still within them, which can easily shoot up into volcano, once they get the ground. So, for them, let's construct reformation-cells as similar to Central Tihar Jail in Delhi. Let spiritual-based NGOs (as that of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan working at Tihar) work in to brush away their ill-conceived notions, the stupid-ideologies meticulously stuffed into their receptive minds. In place of these, sow and cultivate sane and human-feelings in them. Work to transform them. This transformational divine education must also be extended to every village, every city and every town, especially the grounds from where those self-appointed-missionaries-of-Allah pick up the prospective terrorist/human bomb. Before they turn them into destructive human-bombs, let's convert them into constructive human-bombs, who can pave way to prosperous civilization.
As we can see that these militant are misguided on the name of religion, mostly they spread the terror with aim of pleasing the god and religion also fulfilling the requirements of their family. so if we are able to solve out this problem definitely we can put a full stop to this game of terrorfor this the very first and basic thing is to build the real and actual concept about the God1)What is god?2)What is religion?3)What god expects from us?4)What should be done to please our god?5)What is difference between a jihad and terrorism?these are some basic steps which could put a brake on the steps moving toward terrorism.and yes there is something still left to fight the unemployment because this diverts an intelligent minds to all the evil works going in different form in the society.
the only way to combat terror is spread is the pious vibrations of selfless beings which will surely change the mindset of all. as is the saying that hatred can be overcomed by love, troubles by help, sorrows by smiles, misunderstandings by union, likewise terror can be overcomed by PEACE, so lets march together towards this and spread peace through BRAHMGYAN dissemination
As we take a look back at the passing 2008 and analyze the disastrous events and the broken pieces all around us, the thoughts that strike my mind as I am sure would have come to your mind too. What is destined to happen in 2009? OR what future holds for us in general? How shall we cope with such fatal terror-stricken incidents? Only a Miracle can save us! Yes a miracle will save us, but who will usher in this miracle? There is a dire need of a miracle of the sort that will help to change the world as it is today; driven by greed, hatred and violence to a more equitable, compassionate and tolerant place. These miracles cannot be brought about by a single man nor do they need any magic to be realized. The need is to revolutionize the very mindset of each individual in order that he realizes his very own self within and take necessary decision before indulging in such heinous acts. This revolutionary idea can be supported with the help of a Perfect Master who has the capability to impart such universal divine knowledge encompassing differential wisdom that will bring about such a change on a massive scale.
Terrorism is an atrocious act. As we suffer affliction due to our addiction to act in accordance with our 5 weaknesses impelled due to materialism viz. desires, anger, greed, attachments and ego. Certain people are poised to act and spread terror as their mindset is framed in such a way by few other miscreants for serving their political and other interests. As spirituality helps to lift ourselves from the lower realms of our consciousness that dwells the 5 aforesaid weaknesses to the higher realms, the same powerful and universal divine knowledge can transform the very mind of a terrorist and eradicate the root cause of an uncontrolled mental tendency.
No doubt, terrorism is a big issue in front of all countries. But, I think, first of all we have to find that what is our aim? Do v want peace or We want to explode all the trainning camps. but what vil happen? new camps wil open. It vil be a never ending series. Open and Explode. NO! we have to find a permanent solution for this. If we want peace than v ve to change terrorist mind also. After all they too are in human grab. So. plz. firstly try to divert their mind from terrorism to Peace. if this solution doesnot work then go ahead, take a weapon n kill them. Never forget, before killing duryodana, Lord Krishna tried his level best to maintain peace. when all efforts failed, then HE went for kurushetra.
For the immediate actions to be taken to control terrorism, is that the people and all the political parties must get united. A common man can play a very important role in controlling these terrorist attacks by being more vigilant and alert to our surroundings. Government must set up firm laws against terrorists and should get strict with the countries which are plotting such attacks against India. Since independence we must have learnt the lesson that Pakistan should not be handled leniently. We started Samjhota Express, encouraged trade, cultural relations with her. But Pakistan has been a menace and this time we must let them know that India can be as firm as the rock when it comes to curb terrorism. As a teacher I think that there is lot to be done when it comes to curb terrorism. We have to reach to the root of the problem : Why did Kasab, a 21 year old young man became a terrorist ? What were the circumstances that made him a terrorist ? If we go as per the newspapers, poverty, illiteracy and teachings of the fundamentalists turn the innocent people into terrorists. Hence to uproot this problem, it is very important to provide education and employment to the citizens of the country. It is not simply education but the value based education must be given to all, especially to those who are living below the poverty line. I know it is the task of utopia but it can be fulfilled if we encourage night schools and programmes like Serva Shiksha Abhiyan at the war footing level. It would definitely help people to discriminate between right and wrong. They would not turn stray and would do something constructive for themselves and hence for the society. If employed, people would not let fall in the dark pit of crime and illegal activities and hence would become the contributing factor of the society.
To bring peace, everyone has to first wake up from the sleep of 'me and mine'...give up the self-centric attitude...Arise and awake at the consiousness level...because only then one would realise what a terrible state our earth is in! If others are being killed, we should remember that we too are not safe at all! It is well said that one death takes away with it the lives of many related to him. So, save earth from that horrible times when one would hear only cries and shrieks...Get united... First arise yourself from the sleep of ignorance,give up irresponsive attitude towards your country and world as a whole and then carry forward this wave of transformation to each and every soul so that not a single person remains untouched by it. And there is only one way to launch this peace wave, which is none other than the most effective, time-proven, and practical method of BRAHM GYAN. I can claim this because i have myself seen several hard-core criminals of Tihar Jail changing completely by this technique and emerging into those citizens who are devoid of any kind of animosity and violence. So friends, broaden your mindset...step forward to bring a change in yourself - a change which makes you realise that what reponsibilty you owe to your Mother Earth... a feeling that you and not the other person will initiate the peace process... a noble thought that you will work for making our Earth a beautiful place to live in...
Remove destroying thoughts from the minds of people. This is the only way of fighting against terrorism. Mind after all is the cause of both good and bad. So kill the bad mind of people and not the people.
Brahm Gyan has the power to transform terrorists like Osama bin Laden....the bigger the task in hand, the finer should be the tool/ travelling from earth to the moon requires a rocket and not a cycle...similarly the task in hand is to eradicate terrorism from the face of the earth...and this can solely be achieved with the most appropriate and time tested technique of Brahm Gyan and not with superficial bi lateral talks (which have not resulted in any significant outcome this over the past years).
We have done enough talking. We talked about what is good and what is bad. We baffled ourselves with words such as God and evil! We differentiated the light from darkness only verbally. Is hearing and talking about God enough? Is life all about keeping oneself in a cocoon and keep doing what is being done for years together. This attitude itself has made terrorism a gigantic demon! What is the right way of being resilient? Resilience most certainly does not mean that we forget about the terror attacks, the burning bodies, the blasted human frames and return to our daily chore. Let us act now! Let us see the light within ourselves. Let us REALIZE our religion. Resilience means returning to our base, the soul and nurturing it to fructify our lives. If only we can start working on this can we uproot terrorism from its core.
Whatever we do is the outcome of “our mind”. Ideas, actions etc. are developed within human mind. Our mind is just like a computer. It is an asset or beautiful gift to human being. Whenever computer gets affected by virus, we use an antivirus to make the computer workable. Similarly human mind is affected by bad thoughts, wrong and unethical ideas etc. These are nothing but viruses developed in our mind. Is there any antivirus for human mind available in the market, supermarket or mall? Answer is NO. Then what is way-out for this globally fatal disease?Brahm Gyan offered by a perfect master can only remove all these viruses of human mind. Getting brahm Gyan is the first step of installing nobility within in the form of divine light. It helps in developing concentration, balanced thinking process, positive attitude, ethics etc within mindset. As we know “antivirus - a software” for a computer is to be updated time to time. Similarly antivirus of human beings automatically gets updated if we do 4S i.e. SADHNA, SUMIRAN, SEWA and listen SATSANG regularly in time. By doing so, human mind will be peaceful. Best example is “Aungalimal Daku”, whose mind set got totally transformed after getting Brahm Gyan by Buddha- a perfect master. When Aungalimal can change, why not terrorists?
Terrorists - Who are they?? Do they belong to a particular nation or caste or religion??? Before even trying to combat terrorism we need to first understand who are these terrorists..Lets try recall all such events. What you remember!! That other than destruction and imbalance created there was one more thing common among these terrorist attacks and that is - Youth. All the terrorist attacks were carried by Young brilliant minds who are being mind washed and prepared to commit such acts.IN ORDER TO COMBAT TERRORISM WE NEED TO EQUIP THE YOUNG WITH INTELLECT and INNER STRENGTH SO THAT THEY DON'T GET FOOLED BY WRONG PEOPLE and ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES TO COMMIT SUCH ACTS.And that's possible only through DIVINE KNOWLEDGE.LETS RESOLUTE TO KINDLE THE DIVINE LIGHT IN EACH AND EVERY YOUNGSTER..
ANTAKBAD.ek bhatki huyi mansikta ka hi ek parmanhai,jisne insan ko haivaniyat ke raste par chalne ko majboor kar diya hai,aur yeh pure worldke liye sir dard ban gaya hai,iska rasta world ke pass nahin hai,kyonki ahinsa ko ahinsa se khatam nahi kiya ja sakta, iska ilaj kewal ek hi cheej kar sakti hai bho hai-BRAHM GYAN-kyonki BRAHM GYAN ek ayina hai jo hamare ander ke insan ki surat aur hamare achhe bure karmo ko darshata hai, ye mera niji anubhav hai,AAJ KE YOUNGSTER KO BRAHM GYAN KI BAHOT JARORAT HAI
Where all judicial laws fail, where no iron bars serve as a mode of change there the divine knowledge of the ultimate veracity acts like the summum bonum. Numerous examples of such a transformation are the convicts in various jails of India who were known as criminals, murderers but after receiving Brahm Gyan their lives were transformed, their destructive mindset was converted into an constructive one. Hence today they are known as Reformers. As change can never be imposed, it has to be imbibed from within. Transformation cannot be from outside it has to be from within, once it is established it reflects outside. Where a soldier utilizes his energy to safeguard the nation there a terrorists utilizes his energy to destroy the nation. The energy which is wasted for destructive purposes can be transformed and channelized for the welfare of the nation and that of the world. The problem is at the mental level, therefore the solution should be given on the mental level as well. Also the constitution of UNESCO states that "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed."
Time and again we see and hear about bomb blasts or terrorist attacks. For a day or so we are traumatized and think of either changing the unruly system or raising our voice for a safe and secure tomorrow. However, in this busy course of life, a pinch of laid back attitude and with the cherry on the top of self centric attitudes, it becomes fairly impossible for all of us to sternly deal with or fight terrorism with such a low spirit. Slowly and gradually we tend to forget our own cries of agony and fear. We sincerely need to and have to give it a deep thought as to how our nation which is trapped under the vicious circle could be liberated? Can mere speeches or severe punishments uproot such dreadful activities from the already brain washed minds? And if so, would such lawless activities actually come to an end?Enough of hit and trial methods have been applied either by the govt. or by the people, but the goal is still not met. The need of the hour is to change the wicked minds of people from where these horrendous acts originate. In my view, the gruesome behaviour is the outcome of nasty minds. What if the nasty minds are transformed? Will not the results be positive? Brahm Gyan has the key to transform wicked minds by awakening their power of conscience and thus revolutionizing the inner self. Quite frequently Brahm Gyan has proved its worth. It has perhaps set a milestone by transforming the evil minds of tihar inmates to serenity and made them civilized beings. Now is the time to offset examples. Brahm Gyan is the only way out!
The terrorism is a phenomenon,a philosophy which means differently to every being. Terrorism to a "terror-struck" person means the fear of life or property. This same word means a sort of revenge, a religious war against a country or a particular group for a terrorist organization. A terrorist is brainwashed before his mission and is taught accordingly to make his terror attempt successful. This is most of the times done with deprived, suffering and isolated classes of society. It is easy to misguide the isolated classes. If we want of combat terrorism, we should trace the origin of terrorism and search out what is being fed in their minds and try to prevent or destroy that evil thoughts or particular mindset.
Time and again we see and hear about bomb blasts or terrorist attacks. For a day or so we are traumatized and think of either changing the unruly system or raising our voice for a safe and secure tomorrow. However, in this busy course of life, a pinch of laid back attitude and with the cherry on the top of self centric attitudes, it becomes fairly impossible for all of us to sternly deal with or fight terrorism with such a low spirit. Slowly and gradually we tend to forget our own cries of agony and fear. We sincerely need to and have to give it a deep thought as to how our nation which is trapped under the vicious circle could be liberated? Can mere speeches or severe punishments uproot such dreadful activities from the already brain washed minds? And if so, would such lawless activities actually come to an end?Enough of hit and trial methods have been applied either by the govt. or by the people, but the goal is still not met. The need of the hour is to change the wicked minds of people from where these horrendous acts originate. In my view, the gruesome behaviour is the outcome of nasty minds. What if the nasty minds are transformed? Will not the results be positive? Brahm Gyan has the key to transform wicked minds by awakening their power of conscience and thus revolutionizing the inner self. Quite frequently Brahm Gyan has proved its worth. It has perhaps set a milestone by transforming the evil minds of tihar inmates to serenity and made them civilized beings. Now is the time to offset examples. Brahm Gyan is the only way out!February 3, 2009 11:07 AM Anonymous said... The terrorism is a phenomenon,a philosophy which means differently to every being. Terrorism to a "terror-struck" person means the fear of life or property. This same word means a sort of revenge, a religious war against a country or a particular group for a terrorist organization. A terrorist is brainwashed before his mission and is taught accordingly to make his terror attempt successful. This is most of the times done with deprived, suffering and isolated classes of society. It is easy to misguide the isolated classes. If we want of combat terrorism, we should trace the origin of terrorism and search out what is being fed in their minds and try to prevent or destroy that evil thoughts or particular mindset.February 9, 2009 9:11 AM Post a CommentWhat is the way to combat terrorism?Post your suggestion here...
ANTAKBAD.ek bhatki huyi mansikta ka hi ek parmanhai,jisne insan ko haivaniyat ke raste par chalne ko majboor kar diya hai,aur yeh pure worldke liye sir dard ban gaya hai,iska rasta world ke pass nahin hai,kyonki hinsa ko hinsa se khatam nahi kiya ja sakta, iska ilaj kewal ek hi cheej kar sakti hai bho hai-BRAHM GYAN-kyonki BRAHM GYAN ek ayina hai jo hamare ander ke insan ki surat aur hamare achhe bure karmo ko darshata hai, ye mera niji anubhav hai,AAJ KE YOUNGSTER KO BRAHM GYAN KI BAHOT JARORAT HA
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What is the way to combat terrorism?Post your suggestion here...
ReplyDeleteA frequent action is required by the side of youths to combat being done by YPSS( a youth wing of DJJS)..
Neither war is not an option at all as this would induce the revenge factor among the major innocent people and would worsen the situation, nor the dialogue is, as so far it is not effective and is time consuming and till the time any decision would be taken, many more such incidents would take place. So,
ReplyDeletePresent scenario guides at devastating the terror camps when these are operating ( as they are shut down for some time ) through air strikes because the people whose subconscious mind have been filled for spreading terror, can't be changed so easily and they have to be killed and then doing something on mass level for peace with a proven technique so that no more people become terrorists.
But unfortunately, even if something will be done in India and by India against terrorism, it will be based on the calculations that how will they get the maximum millage and benefit for the upcoming elections. Now it has become a compulsion for the govt. to do something against terrorism, otherwise they might face the anger of the voters and also incumbency factor would count to reverse the situation in forthcoming elections.
Now, one thing is final something will happen against terrorism for sure, it is just a matter of time when will it be, which is based on the voting calculations ( unfortunately )!!!
When was the last time you did something horribly wrong and a voice from within had condemned your actions and you repent on it the whole day? What was that voice? Yes, It was it your conscience. That is the critical element, which is missing in these terrorists. You cannot kill someone if you have a conscience or it would curse you to death. Their conscience is killed the moment they are chosen for this narcissistic cause. So, the solution is not in educating general mass about terrorism rather it is in educating these terrorists. Tell them that they are nothing but a mere object being used by a group of some egocentric people to rage a war against humanity. Their death is not contributing to anything except adding to their own felonies. Give them back their conscience. The answer to some of the most complex problems is rather simple. It might sound impractical, but believe me or not that’s the only way to overcome this beast.
ReplyDeleteSimple! Only one way out! Just organize a united military force of all countries and groups willing to combat terrorism. Drive it to Terrorist camps which are known to us. Let these equipped army men enclose the camp and Just bombard them- Incinerate these psychopaths, psychologically-cancerous-beings, and cannot-be-changed-spirits in the disastrous inferno! Turn their camp into a ghastly graveyard!
ReplyDeleteYeah! It’s a curious solution- somewhat inhuman, especially when entire India is singing to the tunes of Gandhigiri. But, this inhumanity is practical and pragmatic. And it has always been the celebratory corridor, passing through which the New Era dawned. For eg. Take Satya Yuga- When Sri Ram saw the heap of bones of innocent sages in dand karnya, who met this ill-fate at the hands of demoniac-forces (Rakshas), what he resolved for? This Right-Action-Man (RAM) immediately vowed to reward Death to these demons alias terrorists of that period. No other approach- Just Death! Eliminate poisonous weeds, for they are poisoning not only present soil, but also making it barren for the generations to come. Another revolutionary man of the Dwapar Era- Sri Krishna too, at the battle field of Kurukshetra, openly declared before the big strike- ‘Even at this eleventh hour, those who wish to come under the camp of Dharma- Righteousness, I offer welcome to them. Rest, be prepared for the last breath.’ After declaration, he instructed his fellowmen to bombard the unrighteous camp. And remember, this camp was not only of unrighteous Kauravas of Hastinapur, but also included the kingdoms (countries) supporting them.
History has repeated itself today. Let's retaliate and answer it in the same language and spirit again. We cannot avoid, but play ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly. Our mercy and non-violent approach is manuring them to breed fast.
First, goad the caught terrorists to reveal all terrorist-breeding grounds/camps unknown to us. If they don't blurt out, torture them to speak. Once they divulge the secret-places, then raid these places. Secondly, those terrorists who are caught and cracked open all the secret shells, for them lets extend our arms to embrace. But again, don't let them be free, for the spark is still within them, which can easily shoot up into volcano, once they get the ground. So, for them, let's construct reformation-cells as similar to Central Tihar Jail in Delhi. Let spiritual-based NGOs (as that of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan working at Tihar) work in to brush away their ill-conceived notions, the stupid-ideologies meticulously stuffed into their receptive minds. In place of these, sow and cultivate sane and human-feelings in them. Work to transform them.
ReplyDeleteThis transformational divine education must also be extended to every village, every city and every town, especially the grounds from where those self-appointed-missionaries-of-Allah pick up the prospective terrorist/human bomb. Before they turn them into destructive human-bombs, let's convert them into constructive human-bombs, who can pave way to prosperous civilization.
As we can see that these militant are misguided on the name of religion, mostly they spread the terror with aim of pleasing the god and religion also fulfilling the requirements of their family. so if we are able to solve out this problem definitely we can put a full stop to this game of terror
ReplyDeletefor this the very first and basic thing is to build the real and actual concept about the God
1)What is god?
2)What is religion?
3)What god expects from us?
4)What should be done to please our god?
5)What is difference between a jihad and terrorism?
these are some basic steps which could put a brake on the steps moving toward terrorism.
and yes there is something still left to fight the unemployment because this diverts an intelligent minds to all the evil works going in different form in the society.
the only way to combat terror is spread peace.
ReplyDeleteit is the pious vibrations of selfless beings which will surely change the mindset of all. as is the saying that hatred can be overcomed by love, troubles by help, sorrows by smiles, misunderstandings by union, likewise terror can be overcomed by PEACE, so lets march together towards this and spread peace through
BRAHMGYAN dissemination
As we take a look back at the passing 2008 and analyze the disastrous events and the broken pieces all around us, the thoughts that strike my mind as I am sure would have come to your mind too. What is destined to happen in 2009? OR what future holds for us in general? How shall we cope with such fatal terror-stricken incidents? Only a Miracle can save us! Yes a miracle will save us, but who will usher in this miracle? There is a dire need of a miracle of the sort that will help to change the world as it is today; driven by greed, hatred and violence to a more equitable, compassionate and tolerant place. These miracles cannot be brought about by a single man nor do they need any magic to be realized. The need is to revolutionize the very mindset of each individual in order that he realizes his very own self within and take necessary decision before indulging in such heinous acts. This revolutionary idea can be supported with the help of a Perfect Master who has the capability to impart such universal divine knowledge encompassing differential wisdom that will bring about such a change on a massive scale.
ReplyDeleteTerrorism is an atrocious act. As we suffer affliction due to our addiction to act in accordance with our 5 weaknesses impelled due to materialism viz. desires, anger, greed, attachments and ego. Certain people are poised to act and spread terror as their mindset is framed in such a way by few other miscreants for serving their political and other interests. As spirituality helps to lift ourselves from the lower realms of our consciousness that dwells the 5 aforesaid weaknesses to the higher realms, the same powerful and universal divine knowledge can transform the very mind of a terrorist and eradicate the root cause of an uncontrolled mental tendency.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, terrorism is a big issue in front of all countries. But, I think, first of all we have to find that what is our aim? Do v want peace or We want to explode all the trainning camps. but what vil happen? new camps wil open. It vil be a never ending series. Open and Explode. NO! we have to find a permanent solution for this. If we want peace than v ve to change terrorist mind also. After all they too are in human grab. So. plz. firstly try to divert their mind from terrorism to Peace. if this solution doesnot work then go ahead, take a weapon n kill them. Never forget, before killing duryodana, Lord Krishna tried his level best to maintain peace. when all efforts failed, then HE went for kurushetra.
ReplyDeleteFor the immediate actions to be taken to control terrorism, is that the people and all the political parties must get united. A common man can play a very important role in controlling these terrorist attacks by being more vigilant and alert to our surroundings. Government must set up firm laws against terrorists and should get strict with the countries which are plotting such attacks against India. Since independence we must have learnt the lesson that Pakistan should not be handled leniently. We started Samjhota Express, encouraged trade, cultural relations with her. But Pakistan has been a menace and this time we must let them know that India can be as firm as the rock when it comes to curb terrorism.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I think that there is lot to be done when it comes to curb terrorism. We have to reach to the root of the problem : Why did Kasab, a 21 year old young man became a terrorist ? What were the circumstances that made him a terrorist ? If we go as per the newspapers, poverty, illiteracy and teachings of the fundamentalists turn the innocent people into terrorists.
Hence to uproot this problem, it is very important to provide education and employment to the citizens of the country. It is not simply education but the value based education must be given to all, especially to those who are living below the poverty line.
I know it is the task of utopia but it can be fulfilled if we encourage night schools and programmes like Serva Shiksha Abhiyan at the war footing level. It would definitely help people to discriminate between right and wrong. They would not turn stray and would do something constructive for themselves and hence for the society. If employed, people would not let fall in the dark pit of crime and illegal activities and hence would become the contributing factor of the society.
To bring peace, everyone has to first wake up from the sleep of 'me and mine'...give up the self-centric attitude...Arise and awake at the consiousness level...because only then one would realise what a terrible state our earth is in! If others are being killed, we should remember that we too are not safe at all! It is well said that one death takes away with it the lives of many related to him. So, save earth from that horrible times when one would hear only cries and shrieks...Get united... First arise yourself from the sleep of ignorance,give up irresponsive attitude towards your country and world as a whole and then carry forward this wave of transformation to each and every soul so that not a single person remains untouched by it. And there is only one way to launch this peace wave, which is none other than the most effective, time-proven, and practical method of BRAHM GYAN. I can claim this because i have myself seen several hard-core criminals of Tihar Jail changing completely by this technique and emerging into those citizens who are devoid of any kind of animosity and violence. So friends, broaden your mindset...step forward to bring a change in yourself - a change which makes you realise that what reponsibilty you owe to your Mother Earth... a feeling that you and not the other person will initiate the peace process... a noble thought that you will work for making our Earth a beautiful place to live in...
ReplyDeleteRemove destroying thoughts from the minds of people. This is the only way of fighting against terrorism. Mind after all is the cause of both good and bad. So kill the bad mind of people and not the people.
ReplyDeleteBrahm Gyan has the power to transform terrorists like Osama bin Laden....the bigger the task in hand, the finer should be the tool/ travelling from earth to the moon requires a rocket and not a cycle...similarly the task in hand is to eradicate terrorism from the face of the earth...and this can solely be achieved with the most appropriate and time tested technique of Brahm Gyan and not with superficial bi lateral talks (which have not resulted in any significant outcome this over the past years).
ReplyDeleteWe have done enough talking. We talked about what is good and what is bad. We baffled ourselves with words such as God and evil! We differentiated the light from darkness only verbally. Is hearing and talking about God enough? Is life all about keeping oneself in a cocoon and keep doing what is being done for years together. This attitude itself has made terrorism a gigantic demon! What is the right way of being resilient? Resilience most certainly does not mean that we forget about the terror attacks, the burning bodies, the blasted human frames and return to our daily chore. Let us act now! Let us see the light within ourselves. Let us REALIZE our religion. Resilience means returning to our base, the soul and nurturing it to fructify our lives. If only we can start working on this can we uproot terrorism from its core.
ReplyDeleteWhatever we do is the outcome of “our mind”. Ideas, actions etc. are developed within human mind. Our mind is just like a computer. It is an asset or beautiful gift to human being. Whenever computer gets affected by virus, we use an antivirus to make the computer workable. Similarly human mind is affected by bad thoughts, wrong and unethical ideas etc. These are nothing but viruses developed in our mind. Is there any antivirus for human mind available in the market, supermarket or mall? Answer is NO. Then what is way-out for this globally fatal disease?
ReplyDeleteBrahm Gyan offered by a perfect master can only remove all these viruses of human mind. Getting brahm Gyan is the first step of installing nobility within in the form of divine light. It helps in developing concentration, balanced thinking process, positive attitude, ethics etc within mindset.
As we know “antivirus - a software” for a computer is to be updated time to time. Similarly antivirus of human beings automatically gets updated if we do 4S i.e. SADHNA, SUMIRAN, SEWA and listen SATSANG regularly in time. By doing so, human mind will be peaceful. Best example is “Aungalimal Daku”, whose mind set got totally transformed after getting Brahm Gyan by Buddha- a perfect master. When Aungalimal can change, why not terrorists?
Terrorists - Who are they??
ReplyDeleteDo they belong to a particular nation or caste or religion???
Before even trying to combat terrorism we need to first understand who are these terrorists..
Lets try recall all such events. What you remember!! That other than destruction and imbalance created there was one more thing common among these terrorist attacks and that is - Youth. All the terrorist attacks were carried by Young brilliant minds who are being mind washed and prepared to commit such acts.
And that's possible only through DIVINE KNOWLEDGE.
ANTAKBAD.ek bhatki huyi mansikta ka hi ek parman
ReplyDeletehai,jisne insan ko haivaniyat ke raste par chalne ko majboor kar diya hai,aur yeh pure world
ke liye sir dard ban gaya hai,iska rasta world ke pass nahin hai,kyonki ahinsa ko ahinsa se khatam nahi kiya ja sakta, iska ilaj kewal ek hi cheej kar sakti hai bho hai-BRAHM GYAN-kyonki BRAHM GYAN ek ayina hai jo hamare ander ke insan ki surat aur hamare achhe bure karmo ko darshata hai, ye mera niji anubhav hai,AAJ KE YOUNGSTER KO BRAHM GYAN KI BAHOT JARORAT HAI
Where all judicial laws fail, where no iron bars serve as a mode of change there the divine knowledge of the ultimate veracity acts like the summum bonum. Numerous examples of such a transformation are the convicts in various jails of India who were known as criminals, murderers but after receiving Brahm Gyan their lives were transformed, their destructive mindset was converted into an constructive one. Hence today they are known as Reformers. As change can never be imposed, it has to be imbibed from within. Transformation cannot be from outside it has to be from within, once it is established it reflects outside. Where a soldier utilizes his energy to safeguard the nation there a terrorists utilizes his energy to destroy the nation. The energy which is wasted for destructive purposes can be transformed and channelized for the welfare of the nation and that of the world. The problem is at the mental level, therefore the solution should be given on the mental level as well. Also the constitution of UNESCO states that "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed."
ReplyDeleteTime and again we see and hear about bomb blasts or terrorist attacks. For a day or so we are traumatized and think of either changing the unruly system or raising our voice for a safe and secure tomorrow. However, in this busy course of life, a pinch of laid back attitude and with the cherry on the top of self centric attitudes, it becomes fairly impossible for all of us to sternly deal with or fight terrorism with such a low spirit. Slowly and gradually we tend to forget our own cries of agony and fear.
ReplyDeleteWe sincerely need to and have to give it a deep thought as to how our nation which is trapped under the vicious circle could be liberated? Can mere speeches or severe punishments uproot such dreadful activities from the already brain washed minds? And if so, would such lawless activities actually come to an end?
Enough of hit and trial methods have been applied either by the govt. or by the people, but the goal is still not met. The need of the hour is to change the wicked minds of people from where these horrendous acts originate. In my view, the gruesome behaviour is the outcome of nasty minds. What if the nasty minds are transformed? Will not the results be positive? Brahm Gyan has the key to transform wicked minds by awakening their power of conscience and thus revolutionizing the inner self. Quite frequently Brahm Gyan has proved its worth. It has perhaps set a milestone by transforming the evil minds of tihar inmates to serenity and made them civilized beings. Now is the time to offset examples. Brahm Gyan is the only way out!
The terrorism is a phenomenon,a philosophy which means differently to every being. Terrorism to a "terror-struck" person means the fear of life or property. This same word means a sort of revenge, a religious war against a country or a particular group for a terrorist organization. A terrorist is brainwashed before his mission and is taught accordingly to make his terror attempt successful. This is most of the times done with deprived, suffering and isolated classes of society. It is easy to misguide the isolated classes.
ReplyDeleteIf we want of combat terrorism, we should trace the origin of terrorism and search out what is being fed in their minds and try to prevent or destroy that evil thoughts or particular mindset.
Time and again we see and hear about bomb blasts or terrorist attacks. For a day or so we are traumatized and think of either changing the unruly system or raising our voice for a safe and secure tomorrow. However, in this busy course of life, a pinch of laid back attitude and with the cherry on the top of self centric attitudes, it becomes fairly impossible for all of us to sternly deal with or fight terrorism with such a low spirit. Slowly and gradually we tend to forget our own cries of agony and fear.
ReplyDeleteWe sincerely need to and have to give it a deep thought as to how our nation which is trapped under the vicious circle could be liberated? Can mere speeches or severe punishments uproot such dreadful activities from the already brain washed minds? And if so, would such lawless activities actually come to an end?
Enough of hit and trial methods have been applied either by the govt. or by the people, but the goal is still not met. The need of the hour is to change the wicked minds of people from where these horrendous acts originate. In my view, the gruesome behaviour is the outcome of nasty minds. What if the nasty minds are transformed? Will not the results be positive? Brahm Gyan has the key to transform wicked minds by awakening their power of conscience and thus revolutionizing the inner self. Quite frequently Brahm Gyan has proved its worth. It has perhaps set a milestone by transforming the evil minds of tihar inmates to serenity and made them civilized beings. Now is the time to offset examples. Brahm Gyan is the only way out!
February 3, 2009 11:07 AM
Anonymous said...
The terrorism is a phenomenon,a philosophy which means differently to every being. Terrorism to a "terror-struck" person means the fear of life or property. This same word means a sort of revenge, a religious war against a country or a particular group for a terrorist organization. A terrorist is brainwashed before his mission and is taught accordingly to make his terror attempt successful. This is most of the times done with deprived, suffering and isolated classes of society. It is easy to misguide the isolated classes.
If we want of combat terrorism, we should trace the origin of terrorism and search out what is being fed in their minds and try to prevent or destroy that evil thoughts or particular mindset.
February 9, 2009 9:11 AM
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ANTAKBAD.ek bhatki huyi mansikta ka hi ek parman
ReplyDeletehai,jisne insan ko haivaniyat ke raste par chalne ko majboor kar diya hai,aur yeh pure world
ke liye sir dard ban gaya hai,iska rasta world ke pass nahin hai,kyonki hinsa ko hinsa se khatam nahi kiya ja sakta, iska ilaj kewal ek hi cheej kar sakti hai bho hai-BRAHM GYAN-kyonki BRAHM GYAN ek ayina hai jo hamare ander ke insan ki surat aur hamare achhe bure karmo ko darshata hai, ye mera niji anubhav hai,AAJ KE YOUNGSTER KO BRAHM GYAN KI BAHOT JARORAT HA
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